P Trinadh Kumar
Principal architect

Trinadh Kumar is having 13 years’ experience in implementing building information modelling (BIM) technology in construction industry. Trinadh achieved his Master of Architecture Degree from State University of New York at Buffalo, with specialization in situated technologies (course which combines micro-controllers, sensors, computing, coding, artificial intelligence and architecture also called smart buildings). Worked as BIM coordinator in component assembly systems, leading drywall company in NY, USA and headed prestigious USA government projects. During this time, he coordinated meetings between multiple trades analysing the constructability of building and services, at least 6 months prior to site construction. He is well versed with best practices in implementing BIM companywide standards and can provide site constructible models using latest software. His strength lies in his ability to learn any computing software proficiently with ease and implementing this knowledge to construction industry. His role is to provide BIM support and prepare sign-off models for clients to use for coordination purposes and to extract quantities and prepare construction documentation set from BIM software. He is researching to utilize and implement this construction techniques in Indian market.